In today's highly competitive, pressure-filled and fast-paced work environments, companies need employees functioning at their highest levels of personal capacity; helping employees achieve job fulfillment and reduce burn out and propensity to leave.
Founded in 2011, Benovate enables a new level of employee care and wellbeing. Going beyond “wellness”, Benovate provides an entire wellbeing platform delivery ecosystem which helps individuals address issues across comprehensive dimensions of wellbeing; physical, social, economic and workplace health.
Benovate is powered by a patented algorithm which personalizes content and information for each user – individually. This drives relevancy for each user and leads to more frequent platform visits and longer engagement time on the platform as individuals seek to learn and improve their lifestyle by addressing issues pertinent to them. In short, Benovate enables better engagement, which provides better information and therefore, leads to better individual employees, and overall company productivity.
Benovate is an innovative and personalized well-being platform. Our technology patents differentiate us. Furthermore, we empower a gamified, simple-to-use interface across mobile devices, tablets and computers. On average, users access 16 different sessions per month addressing personal needs and interests while staying engaged for 8 minutes per session on the Benovate platform.
Benovate helps to improve productivity, engagement, retention, and overall job satisfaction. Checkout our program features shown in this video:
To learn more, simply request a demo:
or visiting our website today.